Friday, February 11, 2011

3.1 Crepulscular rays over Lake Michigan

Crepulscular rays are rays of sunlight that appear to pour in through a single whole in a cloud and seperate into many different rays, appearing as though heaven is pouring in through the cloud.Crepulscular rays are rays of sunlight that stream in through gaps of a cloud. The name crepulscular was derived from the time at which these rays are formed; the crepuscular hours-around sunrise and sunset. Although these lines are in fact, parallel, we perceice them as diverging because of our linear perspective from Earth. It is the diffraction, reflection, and scattering of photons by particles in the air that makes this beautiful phenomnenon visible to us .Anticrepuscular rays can not be seen in this image, but they usually appear at the same time as crespulcular rays; at the antisolar point, on the oppsite side of the sky. Anticrespuluclar rays are not as bright or prominent as crespulcular rays

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