Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spacecrafts streak over Colorado

On rare occasions, spacecraft can be seen drifting over Earth. They are usually most visible in the night sky as they reflect back sunlight to us. These spacecrafts circle Earth every 90 minutes. When a spacecraft is visible to us, it is usually about 2,000 km above Earth or lower. This is defined as a low orbit. You can usually tell if a bright object in the sky is a spacecraft or a star because a spacecraft will change brightness as it moves across the sky and reflects light from different orientations above Earth. Three types of spacecraft that are commonly seen above Earth are the ISS (International Space Station), the NASA space shuttle, and Iridium Communication Devices. The two that can be seen in this picture are the ISS and Discovery, the NASA space shuttle. The path of the ISS crosses over the constellations Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis, Lynx, and Leo.The path of Discovery crosses over only Leo, but is located directly above Cepheus, Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Leo Minor. I especially found this picture interesting because of the beautiful landscape of Colorado, which is where i was born.

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