Friday, October 15, 2010

Christen Sorensen Longomontanus

Chritsen was born in the villiage of Lomborg in Jutland, Denmark. when he reached the age of eight, his father passed away. He studied at Lemvig until he was fourteen, when he then ran away to Viborg. He then started working so that he could provide for himself and started to attend the University of Copenhagen as well as grammar school. It was there that he met the well known Tycho Brahe. He became Tycho Brahe's valuable assistant. He left for three years to engage himself further in his studies, and then returned to Brahe. It was then that he assisted in developing the tychonic lunar theory. When he was done with this he went to Fraunberg and received his masters degree at Rostock. He became a professor at th University of Cophagen in 1607 and remained in this position until he died. Although Christen had his accomplishments, his beleifs were also very flawed. he saw comets as "evil" and went along with Brahe's theory regarding refraction. He also beleived that he had successfully "squared the circle."Squaring the circle was a problem that many ancient geometers tried in vain to find the solution to. This problem has been proven impossible today. He inaugrated the building of an astronomical tower. Christen was the true creator of is known as Brahe's geoheliogentric model. He created the Danish astronomy models in 1622. He also wrote a book entitled Astronomica Danica after the death of his master Tycho Brahe. In this book, Longomontanus integrated his observations and applied them to the motion of planets in the form of a "systematic treatise"

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